Friday, April 11, 2008


I don't even know where to begin. There are just so many thoughts running through my head right now and my fingers really don't type that fast. I'll try to lay em all out right quick.

- Last night was one of the most akward and happiest nights of my life
- I am bored as shit
- I really want to move to Maryland (no. really.)
- I really don't want to work at NYP this weekend :(
- I hate my muffin-top :
- I need a perm... BAD.
- I want to move to Maryland (thought it beared repeating)
- Damn I missed him.
- Them psycho LSA hoes lol

The main thing on my mind is last night. I'm just so confused. I'm happy. I'm scared. I'm surprised. I'm upset. I'm everything. I just don't know what to think about the whole situation. Should I just take it for what it was and forget about it? Maybe. But am I capable of doing that? No. I guess I can damn sure try right? I realize if you are reading this you have no idea what I am talking about but that's okay. You're not supposed to.

Anyway... I think I am going to visit my friend Eddie in Baltimore 2 weeks from now. Eddie has been trying to get me down there forever so I thought I'd pay him a visit for Spring Break. I really shouldn't because technically that's Cancun money I could have but fuck it I need a pre-vacation. It's been a minute since I've gotten loose, if I wait until Cancun I might get banned from the country all together. I'm really excited about this trip not becuase I'm going to see Eddie and not because I'm going to get drunk in a new state (and I'm ALWAYS excited about that) but because I really want to get a feel for the city of B-more. I am seriously contemplating moving there and Eddie is selling me hard-body. $1000 for a 2 bedroom? Morgan State 5 mins away? $900 a year car insurance? I'll take it all thanks. There's a saying "If you're shopping for a happy ending and you can;t find it, buy a new beginning instead." Why the hell not? I'm 21, no kids, no boyfriend, no obligations. Shit you're lucky I don't move to Guam.
On to more serious issues... my muffin top (see photo above). It's pissing me off man. I worked my ass off for a good 3 weeks and I managed to go from a gut to a pooch:
I can deal with a pooch. It's just one deep breath from a flawless picture. But the muffin top? My only solace is Spanx and I really don't wan't to go that route. I refuse! I have decided to try the one meal a day and a apple diet (don't try Googling it, it was created by yours truely). I'll let you know how things progress. We're getting down to the wire and I'm trying to hit up Cancun in one of these:
I'm bored so I'm going to post 5 Confessions because well, who doesn't like confessions?
1. I hate men who wear hard-bottom shoes with jeans.
2. I use rubberbands in my hair.
3. I have tried coke (and HATED IT)
4. I have done alot of bad things... alot.
5. I am very shy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...