Monday, June 2, 2008

Missed me?!

NO I did not forget about my blog! Actually I'm working on upgrading my situation. I purchased a domain!! Yes my own little home in the WorldWideWeb. My blog will soon be moving to and I am so excited because I have wanted to buy that name for years but it was always owned by some random person in Africa. LOL! Now it's all mine and my concept is sickkk!! Ya'll know I like to get all philosophical and shit so this is my philosophy I call it Eveology. Open your books to page 1 boys and girls!

Okay enough of that. I'm actually blogging because something interesting happened to me today. An ex friend of mine reached out stating that she wants to reconcile our friendship. I have never been one for grudges but honestly I don't think I can forgive OR forget this one. A part of me is in a good place right now and would rather let the past stay right where it lies... in the past. On the other hand I really do want to finally turn the page on that chapter because it feels like I haven't finished reading it... like I stopped because the words got too hard to read or some shit. Now that a year has passed and I've learned a few new words and I'm a better reader I am able to return back to that chapter and finish reading. I don't know how it will end nor do really care atleast I completed it. SO basically I went with the latter and I agreed to meet her for dinner Wednesday. I'll let you know how that goes...

I know I didn't really talk about Cancun because there isn't much to talk about lol! It was a fun, relaxing, and eventful vacation with 2 of my closest friends. We all enjoyed ourselves and in the words of Baby "partied like rockstars." LOL let him tell it!

Now for the best news of them all..... you ready?? *DRUM ROLL* I finally decided to move to Maryland! Yaaaa trick yaaaa!! And I am so serious right now. *2 steppin* I can't wait! :) :) I didn't want to announce it because I don't want to jinx it but I think it's pretty set in stone at this point. I'm moving with Baby so atleast I won't be starting all alone. :0)

I have so much more to say but I want to save the good shit for Hopefully it will be up and runing by next week *fingers crossed*. Theres so much new studd I have to learn. Last time I had a domain I was using straight HTML and Frames lol. That's not cutting it anymore. They using PHP/DIV/and all all kinds of fancy shit. Please excuse me while I step my game up.

1 comment:

Perfekt said...

Cant wait to hit up the website boo1 Oh and tell Boo he better get used to me because I will be visiting every weekend lmao.... Guess I can stay with Q :-x lol But ummm Good luck on your dinner with you know some ppl just don't deserve a 2nd chance but then again who are we to say?! You're a great friend and she know she fucked up... but you're right maybe you just need the closure!