Monday, May 19, 2008

God is on CP time.

I feel so I dunno... I'm like every emotion at one time. I'm happy, I'm annoyed, I'm upset, I'm excited, I'm depressed, I'm sad, I'm content, I'm ... wait is all of this even possible? It's like some shit out of the Twilight Zone lol. I just want to get AWAY from everything in NY. I am conviced this city is pure evil and it takes souls through a lifetime series of parties, relationships, business transactions, friendships etc. It's daunting really. It seems to take so much energy just to get through the day and to know that tomorrow you have to do it all again is frustrating. It's like you're fighting just to keep your head above water and life really shouldn't have to feel like that. I gotta get out ASAP.

I can't stand people who just wallow in self-pity. I have NEVER been the woe is me kind of person. I don't believe in helplessness. If something is wrong I fix it ASAP. If I'm knee deep in shit I don't look around and take inventory I start digging. When I'm out I can look back like DAMN I WAS IN SOME SHIT! Lol. Unfortunately everyone is not like that and it annoys me to no end. Like what the fuck is wrong with you? I think Jay-z sums up my sentiments in this line:
"Can't complain about what they ain't gon give ya that ain't gonna get you shit."
Word!! Fuck the bullshit I always get mine without the assistance of anyone.

......... okay I'm finished ranting. I just had to get that out!!

Don't you hate when blessings come at the wrong time? When things you prayed and prayed for appear when you no longer need/want them. A lot of people say God delivers blessings when HE believes you need them not when you want them but in my opinion his timetable is all jacked up. I am conviced God is on CP time. I mean it's cool with me but I'm just saying it's really annoying because it makes me have to face decisions that I really don't want to make. My life is never good vs bad. It's always GOOD VS. GREAT or BAD VS FUCKED UP. I'm always find myself faced with having to chose between the less of two evils or I'll have 2 great options and have to choose. One of those crossroad situations and they drive me out of my mind because if I chose the wrong path then I have to either find a short-cut to get to where I wanted to be or take the trip back to the crossroad and take the correct path. You see how Gods CP time really messes me up? Like I said it's cool though I guess that's what life is about. Being faced with decisions and trying to make the best choice based on your experience and what you want to achieve in life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What are they putting in the milk?

Yeah yeah yeah I know it's been a while since I've blogged but honestly my ownly worries have been what color to paint my nails/toes (orange/french) and what color luggage should I buy (purple). Life has been pretty perfect for me as of late and I can pretty much chock that up to a new love interest. He's great and that's all I have to say about that!

But anyway I had some pretty unpure thoughts about a 13 year old on the train this morning. Now before you start passing judgement let me tell you homeboy was taller than me with a swag that'll make Diddy jealous. Lookin like a baby Adonis. Lawd have mercy! So on the really real WHAT ARE THEY PUTTING IN THE MILK? These lil niggas walkin round lookin like Lebron and the lil girls walkin round lookin like Melyssa Ford. I swear my 10 year old niece has the body of a 25 year old with NO kids. Somethin ain't right people! They got me feelin like Mary K. Latorneu out here. Checkin IDs before I get the number and shit. Pray for me ya'll...

This time next week I will be enroute to Cancun. Oh hell ya! I'm so ready! I don't think I lost anymore weight but I gives not a fuck anymore. I'm not tryna imperss anyone I'm good with mines. I'm just tryna sip my drank, ride a few jetskis, and get a lil bronzed. If I can achieve all that it will be great success (in my Borat voice) LOLOL.

Okkk back to online shopping. I'll holla!!!!!!!!